1-Samuel-1-27-TraditionalGreenI came across this scripture, thanks to one of my customers, and I started to cry. It has so much more emotional meaning to me now that I have a little boy sleeping in the next room.

I prayed everyday during my pregnancy that I’d have the strength and mental clarity to take care of this little person – it scared me so much I wouldn’t know what he needed when he cried. Now that he is here, I’m still praying. Yes, I’ve learned what he needs when he cries and I know how to console him, but my prayers are slowly shifting from what need to take care of him, to what he needs and will need in the future. He, and my future children, are going to grow up in a world that I didn’t grow up in. Experiences through their eyes will be totally different compared to experiences I had when I was their age. I pray he/ they will stay close to me and their dad, and most of all, their Savior Jesus Christ so they can navigate everything they’re going to face.